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When should I hire a doula? 

The short answer is anytime; you are never too late or too early. Get in contact if you are interested in hiring me for any phase of your journey. 

Can I customise the offerings?

Yes of course you can, I am here to provide individual care and support for you and your family. 

Do you offer vouchers?

Yes, I do offer vouchers, and they are always a great gift idea for baby showers, baby sprinkles, or mother blessings. 

I have a supportive partner, do I need a doula? 

As your doula, I am here to you and your partner through any phase of your journey. Doulas can help to enhance your partner’s ability to support and comfort you before, during, and after the birth of your baby.  We can help your partner become even more involved and confident in their ability to nurture you during pregnancy, birth, and the fourth trimester. By having lots of resources I can free up your partner from having to research and they can then fully focus on you. Think of us as your A team. 

Do you offer payment plans? 

Yes, I want my offerings to be available to all women who would love this support. I can offer payment plans if required. 

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